Thursday, July 21, 2011

Love is Respect: Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationship -Take the QUIZ


If you or someone you know is being abused please DO SOMETHING & call:
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
to chat or seek helpful info.
SEND this to a friend to RAISE AWARENESS!

Let me be the last to say, "DON'T STAY, You won't be O.K.!"

Let me be the last to say, "DON'T STAY, You won't be O.K.!"
The last to say - Atmosphere

Are you in a healthy relationship?

Here's a Checklist in addition to the quiz to use as a guide.


It's about Respect, Trust & Communication!

___ Treat each other with respect
___ Feel secure and comfortable
___ Are not violent with each other
___ Can resolve conflicts satisfactorily
___ Enjoy the time you spend together
___ Support one another
___ Take interest in one another's lives: health, family, work, etc.
___ Have privacy in the relationship
___ Can trust each other
___ Are each sexual by choice
___ Communicate clearly and openly
___ Have letters, phone calls, and e-mail that are your own
___ Make healthy decisions about alcohol or other drugs
___ Encourage other friendships
___ Are honest about your past and present sexual activity if the relationship is intimate
___ Know that most people in your life are happy about the relationship
___ Have more good times in the relationship than bad

___ = ? Total


___ Try to control or manipulate the other
___ Make the other feel bad about her/himself
___ Ridicule or call names
___ Dictate how the other dresses
___ Do not make time for each other
___ Criticize the other's friends
___ Are afraid of the other's temper
___ Discourage the other from being close with anyone else
___ Ignore each other when one is speaking
___ Are overly possessive or get jealous about ordinary behavior
___ Criticize or support others in criticizing people with your gender, race,
       ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or other personal attribute
___ Control the other's money or other resources (e.g., car)
___ Harm or threaten to harm children, family, pets, or objects of personal value
___ Push, grab, hit, punch, or throw objects
___ Use physical force or threats to prevent the other from leaving

___ = ? Total

TALK with someone you trust -
friend, teacher, or counselor.

If a partner, friend, or colleague is harming you or your loved ones physically, emotionally,
or sexually,
it's time to seek help.

If s/he is encouraging other harmful behaviors, like alcohol or drug abuse, unsafe
sexual activity, or other activities that make you feel uncomfortable,
YOU have the right to leave.
- Most importantly TRUST your instincts and the people close to you whose
   opinions you trust and value.

- Each and every one of us deserves to feel safe, valued, and cared for.

- Keep in mind one of the strongest signs of a healthy relationship is that both people
   involved feel good about themselves.


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